
So far this week #82


  1. I watched Back to the Future this week too! I love that movie so much.
    How was Potiche? I'm going to the cinema to see it tomorrow night.

  2. Back to the future is such a classic. Potiche was great - I enjoyed it so much!

  3. The moment my exams are over I'm going to marathon Back to the Future! Potiche looks funny, is it a typical French film, i.e., it has an open ending?

  4. Hi Kate! I just recently discovered your blog and it is awesome! Where do you get you movie fix? Do you download them or buy copies? I'd love to watch everything you posted. :)

  5. Arianne - The ending was great and fitted well with the rest of the film! Yes I'm going to watch Back to the future 2 this weekend!

    I get my films from a mixture of places - Lovefilm, film4 and just regular tv!


..if you fancy it

All work is © Kate Henderson unless otherwise noted.